Mitsubishi Repair: Mitzubishi Galant S 1996 problems with pickup, spark plug wires, hesitation problem

My car is hesitating. So much so the check engine light comes on, then when I take it out of overdrive and hit the gas it picks up.  I thought it might just need a tune up, so I bought the spark plugs etc, but can't find whenre to putem.  Also thought maybe I need my fuel injectors cleaned.  Is it as minor as blowing out fuel injectors or could it be the transmission?

Odds are your fuel injectors and transmission are fine.  But a tune-up is a good idea.  To access your spark plugs, you'll need to remove the spark plug wires (the 4 wires side by side lined up across you engine), get a long socket extension with a spark plug socket, and carefully remove your spark plugs.  If you don't feel comfortable doing this, have a mechanic do it.

Along with having the spark plugs replaced, have the fuel filter, air filter, spark plug wires, distributor cap, and rotor replaced.  These are all regular maintenance items that should be replaced every 2-3 years depending on how many miles per year you put on your car.  That should take care of your hesitation problem.
Good luck!