Mitsubishi Repair: car trouble shooting, fuel pressure regulator, accelerator cable

1995 mitsibushi eclipse 4 cylinder 2.0, sometimes when i try to crank my car it will not crank but then if i push down real slow on the gas pedal and let off then it will crank i just had the fuel filter replaced but it was doing that before.  could you tell me what could be wrong with it?

You may have weak fuel pressure.  Sometimes this can be caused by a worn out gasket on your gas cap.  Other potential problems are clogged fuel injectors, malfunctioning fuel pressure regulator, or excess moisture in the fuel tank.  You can try to use a bottle of fuel system cleaner or water remover fuel additive the next time you fill your tank.

Other possible causes for your problem could be a dirty throttle body (air bypass valve blocked), dirty intake manifold, clogged EGR valve, clogged PCV valve, or even a mis-adjusted accelerator cable.  Unfortunately, it's a bit difficult to diagnose starting problems without checking out the car.  If you bring your car back to your mechanic, have them check the items I've listed and hopefully they can pin point the problem.
Good luck!