Mitsubishi Repair: Weird noises . . .help!, mitsubishi 3000gt, anti lock braking system

Hi. I drive a 1992 Mitsubishi 3000GT, just a standard model, no extras on engine or transmission. When I left work an hour ago, the Anti Lock light came on above the steering wheel. Then, when I shut my car off, it sounded like it continued to run above my passenger side front wheel. How do I get this noise to stop? Is it something to do with the anti-lock brake system, or is it another strange noise that I have no idea about? Thanks so much!

I believe what you're hearing is your brake modulator, hydraulic unit.  The function of this modulator is to regulate the amount of pressure your brakes are applying to your rotors when your car is braking.  It acts very quickly when you car's computer senses your brakes are locking and activates your anti-lock braking system.  If this brake modulator continues to operate after your car is turned off, there is probably a problem with it.  The problem may be with the unit, a wiring connection, or the car's computer itself.  

Tell your mechanic to check your hydraulic unit, brake modulator.  Point them into the direction of the noise so they don't spend a lot of time (and your money) looking around for it.  Hopefully, your problem is just a loose connection bceause a new brake modulator alone can cost anywhere from $1800-$2300!  Get a couple mechanics opinions if your first mechanic recommends replacing it.
Good luck!