Mitsubishi Repair: Pump to start, throttle position sensor, engine coolant

I have a '93 Eclipse with a 1.8,5 speed, base model FWD with 120,000 miles on it. If I leave the car overnight I have to pump the heck out of it just for it to start. Sometimes it takes 10-15 mins. After it "seems" to get gas or enough pressure to start it will start but then die a few times and it will die if I hit the gas pedal before it gets enough pressure or gas. However after a few times of pumping ,starting,and lettin it run and die, if I catch it just right with the gas pedal and pump the heck out of it,it will stay running.After that I can take off and drive with no problems at all,no cutting out or anything. I can also leave the car for an hour or so and it will fire right up without having to pump it. Just curious to what is causing this problem. Thanks in advance for any info. you can give me on this before I go out and buy some things I don't really need.

You should first check all your regular maintenance items.  Anything that should be replaced because time/mileage should be now, regardless if you feel they are causing a problem or not.  Here are a list of some items that should be replaced every couple years or 30k miles:
- Fuel Filter
- Air Filter
- PCV Valve
- Spark Plugs
- Spark Plug Wires
- Engine coolant
- Transmission fluid

As the weather gets colder, some cars can have problems starting due to moisture build-up in the gas tank.  Any store that sells auto parts should sell a fluid that removes moisture from your gas tank.  A popular brand is called Dry Gas.  Add one bottle during every fill-up.  That may also help.

If all else fails, you should have your fuel pump, throttle position sensor, idle air control motor, and throttle body checked out.  Make sure your throttle cable is properly adjusted as well.
Good luck!