Motorcycle Repair: yamaha vstar 1100 classic

hello I have a 2001 Yamaha vstar classic 1100 on two different occasions as I was riding I completely lost the spedo odom and all electrical power to my bike then the engine eventualy stalls out. turn the key off and back on no power I get it home turn the key on there is power but when I go to start the bike it just makes a ticking sound. If I let the bike sit for a day it will fire right up I cant seem to find the issue and am getting tired of pushing it instead of riding. any advice on what the problem may be would be great.

It sounds like a short in a wire.
Maybe a rub through from vibration.
Then it could also be a bad starter. maybe the brushes.
Or it could be the regulator not charging, but shorting.
Check the connections to the battery, Starter and others.
And corroided or rusted connection can cause haet and ruin other electrical parts.
Check the voltage at the battery while the engine is running. Should be around 14 vts.
12 or 13 is not good. Load test the battery.
Apm the starter wire while starting..