Motorcycle Repair: 83 Kawasaki Charging cont

QUESTION: Lazaros,
Since I can’t ask a follow up, I started a new one question to answer what you asked and ask a few questions.  My battery was not dead and it appears to hold a charge.  I do put it on 2 amp charge occasionally to keep it charged.  It will start the bike without assistance.  Since I don’t start my bike all the time, it sometimes will drain the battery as I crank and crank on it.  Then I put a charger on it to start it.  I am still going to get a donor battery I hope, but in the mean time, could I take the battery to like o'reillys, Wal-Mart or an m/c shop and have it tested?  Just asking, if I get donor battery, hook it up as you said and I’m still having the same issue, what would be next?  Thanks, Robert

ANSWER: Hi Robert,

Taking the battery to a professional for testing is a good idea.
Next, measure the voltage directly at the regulator output (red+ and black- wires), at 4000rpm and compare with the reading at the battery. Do not disconnect regulator to test.

Clean battery contacts and terminals from grease, oil or terminal protector, with contact cleaner (without oil).
Do the same to the regulator-rectifier connector, the main switch connector, fuse box, and all ground terminals (engine AND frame)and rub-off any rust.
Finally, clean the contacts of all fuses.

Best of luck, and don't worry about how many times you get back to me...


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Lazaros,
Ok here’s what I have checked so far and my readings, along with that I’ve found.  I checked the voltage at the regulator and at idle it’s about 14 volts and at the battery its 12.6v.  At 4000 RPM its 12.3v at the regulator and about the same at the battery.  I noticed the wires from the regulator were getting hot pretty quick so I took the electrical tape off the wires that hook to the regulator to separate them.  The three yellow wires from the stator are the wires that are getting hot.  Since I took the stator out as I mentioned in my first post, does it matter which yellow wire is hooked to which?  They get hot within 1-2 min of running almost where I can’t touch them.  I’ve also cleaned the fuses box, battery terminals and cleaned the regulator plug.  The grounds I saw looked ok and where tight, so I didn’t take them loose.  I have not tested the battery yet since its holding a charge and starting the bike.  Thanks, Robert

Hi Robert,

The yellow wires are all the same, so it doesn't matter how they are connected.
That they're getting hot, means that either the regulator or the battery draws too much current.
So, to continue with troubleshooting, it's vital to try another battery, since as you said you tried a new regulator.

Normally, in a workshop, we measure current from generator to regulator, and from regulator to battery, before trying a new battery.
This requires professional equipment though, such as a 20A ammeter with proper connectors.

Maybe it's better at this point, to take your bike to a workshop to make sure of all measurements.

Best Regards,