Motorcycle Repair: 1982 CSR 250 No Spark Issue

I have a 1982 Kawasaki CSR 250, it has 8400 miles I am trying to get it running after several years of sitting. I've gone thru the carb and cleaned the fuel system, changed the oil checked the brakes, ect... My problem is im not getting any spark. I am very good when it comes to mechanical repairs, but electrical problems I lack experience in. Any info on how to test the coil and anything else that could cause the problem would help me tremendously. Thank you very much Nathan.

Hello Nathan,

Your bike's specs differ from model to model and there are too many that year (A5, B3, C3, G3, and many other). The model name doesn't help, because it also differ, depending on the region.

In order to effectively help you, it is mandatory to know the frame (VIN) number.
Get back to me with it and we'll definitely short this out...

Best Regards,