Motorcycle Repair: 350cc banshee

I was riding the other day an I was hiring donuts an wen I came out the dirt the bike stopped an the kick start won't move but yu can move in an out of gear so I wanted to knw is it my pistons blown or wat cuz the bike still moves into gear but won't start

Sounds like a seized engine... pistons or crankshaft blow-up. The engine is separated from the transmission by the clutch. If the clutch blows up, that could be an issue, as well, but if the kickstarter is frozen, it sounds serious. Some engines require the clutch to be engaged in order to turn the engine over and some don't. I don't know anything about these vehicles. Pull the dyno cover off so you can put a wrench/socket on the end of the rotor. If it doesn't turn, your engine is the issue. If it does, then the clutch might be at fault.

Look for Banshee forums to help you with more clues about what goes wrong with these engines.

Bill Silver