Motorcycle Repair: 2003 honda xr100r no choke responce, nosle, air leaks

QUESTION: xr 100 wont idle or hard to get running when cold, but runs great and idles when warm. What should i be looking for? Thanx Terry.

ANSWER: As this is a 2003 I am assuming that it has a knob you pull out for the choke?

The reason it will not work is that the jet that feeds it from the bowl of the carb is plugged.This is any easy fix.You will see a nut behind the knob you pull out (it may be under a rubber cover)Take a tool of your choosing and gently pull the rubber cover off, you may have to pull the choke out to get the cover out.Behind the cover is a 14mm net unscrew this nut and the chock assembly will come out as a unit.Dont louse the fiber washer as this is a air seal.On the side or underneath the bole on the carb you will find a drain.Turn off the gas and drain the carb bowl.Now you can fix the choke.With a can of carb cleaner install the plastic wand in the nosle and stick it in the small hole in the center of the carb opening that you just took the choke out of.Spray
for a few seconds and let set about 15 minuets. Put everything back in its proper place and give it a try.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My choke has a lever,what can i do now.Thanx Terry.

Remove the air cleaner and check to make sure that the chock it going all the way closed.And were the choke is closed lever up or down most have arrow to tell you what position it is in.Also you will need to check the rubber flange that connects the carb to the cylinder head.
Cracked or damaged in any way replace it.What we are looking for are any air leaks.If this does not fix your problem a good carb cleaning is in order.Let me know how thing worked out  JERRY