Motorcycle Repair: hondacb160

Hi firstly thanks for your quick response to previous question it was a clutch bolt was loose but your other info as rely helped pointing us in right direction now the site as said a known common problem is the transmission locating pin that can cause similar noise and there known bending breaking so as a matter course were going to replace this with a cb77 one thats 7mm that as a thicker wsll larger od have you any idea where we can source one of these from or do we need to buy whole cb77 engine thank you

Adrian, you can usually find the pins on-line by part number, either on eBay or other sellers. I did the same repair on a CB160 myself, but discovered that the pins on the CB/CL175s were solid so they should work without having to drill/machine the cases/bushing for the 7mm version.

The 283 center code is from a CB450.

If one of the clutch spring bolts was just a little loose, that wouldn't cause the problem. But if it backed out so far that it was hitting the inside of the clutch cover the issue would be obvious then.

Bill Silver