Motorcycle Repair: carburetor trouble

on my 1999 Honda Shadow. I have a fuel leak coming out from below the float on the left side of the bike. Tried to adjust mixture but did not fix the problem.looks like there is an overflow hole underneath the float bowl. Is there a way to adjust the float without removing the carburetor?

Its best to remove the Carburetors. Make the needed adjustments.
Place the carbs in a vice to hold them and hook up a fuel line to the carbs and test the
Fuel Levels.
Use a clear piece of vynil tubing and connect it to the drain port found on the bottom of each bowl. Open the drain port screw and the tube should fill to the same level as whats in the bowl.
Pull the tubing up in a J formation up along the side of the carburetor.
This way you can make several adjustments to get it perfect without the hassle of taking them off and on several times.
Also I have found a crack in a couple bowls before causing leaks. Inspect the bowls by filling them while you have them off.
I Rebuild Carburetors for a Living. Contact me if you need more Help.
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