Motorcycle Repair: 1997 kawasaki vulcan 1500

I took my kaw apart and now can't remember the firing order from coils to the plugs. hope you can help,We need to RIDE. thank you in advance... DEAN

Hi Dean,

Cylinder numbering is front#1, Rear#2.
Each coil has two HT cables, that both go to ONE cylinder.
If your coils aren't numbered, don't worry, just try which HT cable reaches which cylinder and "name" them accordingly. Then connect the primary cables as required.
(The coil with the longer HT cables go to front)

The cables to the coils are Black, Black/Green*, and two Red or Black/red*.
The Black cable goes to the Green or (-) terminal on the #1 coil.
The Black/green goes to the Green or (-) terminal on the #2 coil.
The Black/Red wires go to the Black or (+) terminal on the coils, order doesn't matter, they are common.

(*):Black/Green = Black with Green stripe.
   Black/Red = Black with Red stripe.

Best Regards and sorry for the delay. The time difference you see...