Motorcycle Repair: 1983 750 shadow, engine degreaser, drain port

i have had my 1983 750 shadow for about a year now & have never had a problem with it except needing to charge the battery to start it... i recently decided to clean motor up a bit & sprayed some engine degreaser on it & ran water over it.. after about an hour i started it up fine & took off down the street about 2 blocks when it seemed like someone shut off the fuel..if i give it a spray of starting fluid it will start but die so i think it is a fuel problem..i checked plugs & have good seems something hapopened  b-cuz of degreasing notor... i appreciate any knowkledge or things i could try....thank you

Let it dry out good and try it again. Something got wet. Maybe you air filter got wet.
Or the coils got wet. I know if its a powerful degreaser it can be bad for the seals in the carburetors. Open the drain port screws on the bottom of the Carburetors and make sure there is fuel in the bowls. Pull the fuel line off the carbs and make sure fuel is flowing.
Make sure the air filter is dry. If your problem persist contact me via my website:
I sell and rebuild carburetors for a living.
My email and phone contacts are on my website.
But I think once everything dries out it will run again....Joe