Motorcycle Repair: 1996yamahawolverine4x4, fuel petcock, rough road

I have a problem with my wolverine I cleaned the carb out twice so when I start it its fine idles great when but when I go down the road  some rough road persay it starves out  and dies so I pull the choke fires right up push the choke in goes for a while does same thing but if I leave choke on states running but of course it won't idle by itself so can you help thanks garry

Garry, Somehow the carb is starving on fuel. It could be simple but just finding it. The fuel petcock on the bottom of the tank could be restricted not allowing enough gas to flow through. Or the float needle is sticking and not allowing gas into the bowl to keep it running. You may need to replace the needle and seat then reset the float level. Or worst case there could be a vaccum leak between the carb and cylinder, the bubber boot may have a crack in it or the flange next to the cylinder could be warped allowing air in. Check the float level one way is pull the carb make sure the spring loaded needle in the seat works. Then hold the carb sideways with the float on the side. Put the hinge part up and let the float hang downward.Slightly tip the carb back to let the weight of the float push the pin down and see where it stops. The float should run parallel with the bottom of the carb top. Bend the tab at the hinge to achieve this. Also do not turn the carb top all the way upside down as the weight of the float will push down the float needle and give you a false reading. I hope something here will help you. Gary....