Motorcycle Repair: harley lifters, adjustable pushrods, hydraulic lifters

QUESTION: I just bought a 2013 Road King Police Special. Why would the hydralic lifters bleed? It doesn't make sense to me. Have a few harleys never had this happen. This is going damage cam, not getting anywhere talking to dealership.  If I change out the lifter for SS lifter or better it's going to void the warranty.  Suggestions, including a better brand lifters to put in

ANSWER: When you say they bleed, How much do they bleed and for how long?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: They seem to bleed off overnight and then take three to five seconds to pump and for lifter noise to stop. Whats this doing to the cam?

All lifters bleed down when the bike sits and there is pressure on them. This happens in all vehicles with hydraulic lifters. It doesn't really hurt the cam, its just noisy. You can change out the lifters, but you would have to either remove the top end or put in adjustable pushrods since you have non adjustable pushrods.
If you are going to change them out I would either go with S&S or Jims. They are both very good
Good luck and happy riding