Motorcycle Repair: No spark, honda qa 50, bill silver

Hi, I have been restoring a 1970/71 Honda QA 50 and just got it back together. However It doesnt seem to have spark. I changed points & stator and gaped them at .014 , new plug gaped at .024 , and cleaned everything. checked plug boot to coil wire connection and coil ground. Also I disconnected the kill switch. The last owner said it ran but I didnt hear it. Could the coil or flywheel just go or am I missing something??

Rick, well there isn't much to them, is there?   QA50

Make sure that you didn't ground the point's lead when you changed them out.
You should see a small voltage on the stator wire going to the coil, when you kick it over.
Test the primary windings of the coil with an ohm-meter to see if you have a shorted or open coil.
Did you clean the new point contact surfaces before installing them? They often have a preservative on the the contacts to prevent rusting. Any kind of resistance to a clean metal-to-metal contact will prevent the generation of spark.

If you kept the old points, look carefully at the contact surfaces. If they are heavily pitted and cratered ( < < ) instead of ( ][ ) that is usually an indication that the condenser has failed or is very weak. to replace the coil and condenser as a unit.


Bill Silver