Motorcycle Repair: Yamaha Virago, virago 750, starter solenoid

I have a 81 virago 750, I was riding to work today and stopped to put gas in. When I went to start it up all I got was a clicking noise down bay the starter solenoid next to the battery, if that is what it is. Is there a way to jump the solenoid like a car if not what is the problem? I have not had any other problems with it and it stated without a problem this morning.

Jerry, try jumping accross the two battery terminals and see if the starter turns over. If you have a 12 volt test light put it on the cable to the starter and engage the starter button. If the test light does not light the starter may not be getting the electricity to start. If you short accross the terminals and the engine cranks over then the starter  solenoid may be defective.