Motorcycle Repair: 2004 crf50 float bowl install, pivot shaft, needle valve

I recently cleaned carburetor as it would bog at half to full throttle though started always, bike sat for months)I'm having trouble installing float bowl correctly as gas is shooting into carb but wont fill bowl. A large screw sits over the pin to hold float in place but too tight and float wont move, too loose and float doesn't sit correctly. Carb cleaner in intake fired it up briefly. I can tell gas is not getting into carb. Thank you.

Steven,there may be something wrong with the needle valve under the float.It hooks into a slot on the float frame then slips into the pivot shaft. The screw that holds the pivot shaft into the casting should be snug. If the needle valve is defective replace it. The needle valve will have a spring loaded pin in the top of it, make sure it moves in and out easily. When you spray cleaner into the intake and it fires makes me think the needle valve is not letting any fuel through the passage into the bowl.