Motorcycle Repair: 1989 kawasaki bayou 220 starting issues, kawasaki bayou 220, flywheel bolt

My 1989 kawasaki bayou 220 when using the electric start sounds like is grinding rocks in the crankcase.Is this something a novice could repair?Will I need any special tools?

The one way clutch on the back of the flywheel is slipping. The left cover has to come off,hang it back with a bungee cord remove the two philips screws on the retainer bracket by the starter drive. Then remove the flywheel bolt see if can borrow a puller and remove the flywheel. The one way clutch is on the back side of the flywheel.There are three round rollers that are spring loaded and the rollers wear out. Also the allen bolts are lock tighted in on the back side remove them and replace the starter clutch then put every thing back and it should work.