Motorcycle Repair: Harley dies, spark tester, ase certified

QUESTION: I have a 1985 fxef super glide fatbob, when riding it will die as if the switch was turned off, it does not act like it is running out of fuel, sometimes it will start right back up, i have put a spark tester on the plug and it still has spark, but only sometimes it starts back up, i have replaced the regulator, stater, last year, i know that should not have anything to do with it dying like this, if it sits awhile it will start right up, a couple of times it has died idling, not very often though, it seems to do it right after take off shifting into second gear, i replaced the ign. switch but nothing changed, i am an ase certified tech, but this is my first harley so i do not know much about them, any help would be greatly appreciated!

ANSWER: If your bike is dying, like the ignition switch is turned off, then you need to start looking for a short or loose wire in the ignition system. What you are going to have to do is trace all the wires out.
Good luck and happy riding

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It would seem to me if it was a short or loose wire in the ignition system i would not have spark to the plugs which i do even if it stalls, that tells me everything in the ignition system is working.

There are two reasons for your bike to die. One is no fuel and the other is no spark. Since you say the fuel is not a problem then it has to be the ignition. You may not have spark when it dies and it will start to spark later and then it starts. When you put the spark tester ont he plug and you get spark, does it start right up when you put the plug back in?