Motorcycle Repair: 83 honda cb550sc carb, bench test, float valve

sorry to bother you but bills box is overfilled  cleaned carbs now im getting overflow on 2 carbs and dont think the other 2 r working due to the fact those pipes are not hot this was an old set sitting around do you think the floats are bad

You can check the floats and the overflow tubes for leaks, these are common problems on old carbs.  If the bike is still not running right, then the carbs are still not working correctly or you may also have an ignition problem.  Assuming ignition is OK, then take off the carbs, and make sure you clean the slow/medium running jets and clean them out.  Make sure the float needles are working properly and that the float height is correct.  Once everything is clean and checked, do a bench test by placing the carbs on the bench and putting fuel in them.  They should not leak.  If one leaks identify why; it's either a leaky float (if they're copper, the plastic ones rarely have a problem) a pinhole in the standpipe, or a bad float valve.

Good luck,  Jan