Motorcycle Repair: oil leak on 1977 sportster 1000 kickstart, investagation, deoderant

First off thanks for taking your time and knowledge to help people you don't know and trying to help them fix their problems. I recently bought this bike and we tinkered with it until it will start on the first kick, which is really great I thought my right leg was going to be the size of a tree before it was all over. So now that I can get it on the road now after I ride for a few minuetes I have either gear oil or motor oil dripping down around the back of the motor or around the transmission. It will only leak after it has been rode. If it sits and idles with the kickstand down it doesn't leak at all. We found a missing seal behind the right side cover that cover the front gear for the chain and i was really hoping that had it fixed but it didn't fix it. Any ideas? Thanks chuck

Your going to have to do some investagation to find the leak. I would clean the motor really well. then get some deoderant that has baby powder in it and spray the motor so it looks white. Take the bike for a short ride and then check it. Where it leaked the powder will turn black and you can see where the leak is
Good luck and happy riding