Motorcycle Repair: honda cb350 starter, honda cb350, starter solenoid

Hello Mr. Silver,
I have a 1973 Honda cb350g. The starter is not working. I have measured the brush sizes and they are still in the good. Any suggestions on how to get this one working or what might be the problem?  What is a good way to check function of your starter. I should tell you that my electric start button is broke at the moment.
many thanks,
nate from Durango, CO

Nate....  If you jump across the two big starter solenoid posts, back by the battery, you should be able to determine if the starter motor is at fault or the the solenoid. You can also use jumper cables to connect directly to the starter motor cable post to check the starter motor function. If the brushes are all okay, generally it is a power problem to the starter not a starter motor problem.

Wiring diagram here:

If the starter button is broken, the circuit won't function. The button just grounds out the primary side of the solenoid, which activates the internal plunger which bridges the two cable contacts inside. When you turn the ignition key ON, there is power at the starter solenoid primary winding wire connection, which goes through the windings inside the solenoid and then back out the yellow/red wire that ends at the starter button.

If you hear the starter motor turning over, and the engine is not spinning, then you will have to replace the starter clutch springs. That will require buying a rotor puller tool, so you can remove it and access the starter clutch components on the back side.

Bill Silver