Motorcycle Repair: water in tank?, water remover, cbr 600


I live in Los Angeles and my CBR 600 has been sitting for the last month while it was cool and rainy...I went out today to start her up and won't turn over...close but no.  This bike is in Excellent I went online and found it's probably condensation caused question.

If I fill the tank with gas and add a water remover (stp) treatment will that do the trick?  I've also moved it out into the sun. Or will I need to drain the tank.  I'm not equipped to do that so I'm hoping the "water remover" will help.

Please advise..thank you very much.

I would recharge the battery and try again.  Not likely that water is your problem, these bikes are used all over the world and LA is not a 'wet' environment.  So check the usual, plugs, leads etc. but first make sure your battery is up to the job.
Good luck,  Jan