Motorcycle Repair: 1982 honda v45 sabre wiring, honda v45 sabre, starter solenoid

hi bill silver, I have a problem with my 1982 honda v45 sabre. My bike was hot and i believe i fried my regulator rectifer out put i found a new one but it didnt solve the problem, ok question could it be my starter? or what else could i check the fuses are good my battery is brand new i have power but when i try to start it. It clicks like my battery is dead and you can hear the starter kind of spinning i believe? What could it be? If you could give me an idea i would surely be grateful thank you for your time thank you. Gilbert in albuquerque new mexico

Gilbert... here is a link to a wiring diagram:

As you can see, there is a lot going on with these bikes and the wiring systems.

Take one system at a time, though. A 12v test light and/or volt meter is necessary to work on this problem set.

First, if you know that the battery is fully charged and passing a load test, you can work out from there. Jumper the starter solenoid with a screwdriver to connect the battery to the starter motor directly. If it spins over normally, then the problem is with the solenoid or the wiring to it.
Check for power at the solenoid on the yellow-red wire when you press the starter button. In some models you can disassemble the starter solenoid carefully and clean the internal post contacts, otherwise it may need replacement.

If the starter doesn't spin over, then you have problems with the starter motor. If it spins and doesn't turn the engine over, then the starter clutch is slipping. with another link to the troubleshooting diagrams for the charging system.

More tips here: and elsewhere on the web.

Bill Silver