Motorcycle Repair: Carburetor, address phone number, dirt bike

QUESTION: Hi, first off, I don't know much about engines.  I have a dirt bike that only runs with the choke on.  As soon as I flip the choke off, the engine cuts off.  The carburetor has never been cleaned. Do you think thats the problem? If so, is it difficult to clean the carburetor?

         Thanks for your help,
         Bennett H.

ANSWER: Bennett,
  Here's what I would try....If you have never had a carb apart before, its better to let someone else have a go at it.  take your carb off the bike and take it to a repair shop and have them clean it out...your jets are plugged...most likely your idle jet as well as your main jet....If you cant find anyone to clean it for you, then box it and send it to me and I will go thru it for you

Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your help. It's nice to know what the problem is. How much would you charge me to clean my carburetor.


  You box it and ship  it to Johnson Motors, 378 US Highway 11, Marathon, NY 13803.  Include your name, address, phone number. I will clean it for you for 20 bucks and the cost of the return postage(it will take me a half hour to 45 minutes)  I can call you with a total and you can pay with credit card if you prefer or mail me a money order.  My web site is can check it out if you wish.

Thank you