Motorcycle Repair: Honda 1968 CL125A Muffler, exhaust ports, bill silver

Bill, hope you can help - I have a Honda 1968 Cl125A and am looking for a muffler and guard for it. Do you know a model # for the muffler or which other year models of mufflers will also fit the 1968 year. At this point I am only searching 1968 year, but if others fit then I can expand my search. Would like an original but will settle for a remake if nessessary. Thanks Bill

Teresa, if you are going to keep it fairly original, you will have to go with the correct parts. There are no other parts that interchange with this model. Exhaust ports are probably smaller than the ones on a CL160-175, so the headers won't fit. Bore spacing is different, due to side camchain design vs. center camchain models. There were no changes for that model from year to year. One size fits all.

It is a low production/demand machine, so no one has made reproductions for them, as far as I know.

Here is your reference page for part numbers, etc.   They have one if you REALLY want it bad enough to spend $600 Euros, plus shipping!

Product code for the CL125A is 243, so the middle of the part number will indicate that number for model specific items.

Bill Silver