Motorcycle Repair: 1975 HD Sportster oil lines, hd sportster, vent line

QUESTION: Where can I get an oil line diagram for a 1975 HD Sportster 1000?

ANSWER: Are you adding anything to the oil system like a external filter or a oil cooler?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No, just trying to put it back together since when I bought the bike, it was disassembled.


This is routing for a kick start bike if you have an electric start let me know and I'll send you info for that model.

  Bottom tank fitting goes to the oil pump suction,the pump suction is located on the rear of the oil pump under the motor on the cam side of the bike. The return line starts behind the rear cylinder and routes back to the 3/8 fitting on the top front side of your oil tank. Now route a hose from the fitting at the rear of your cam cover to the smaller or other  fitting on your oil tank, this is your vent line. The breather on the front end of your cam cover should have a tube on it that directs the pressure down under the bike by the front of your oil pumps pressure switch area. The generator should have a large washer on it in front of the drive gear to help control the amount of pressure that is dumped down the breather pipe.I hope I've been helpful and answered your questions. Sportstertodd