Motorcycle Repair: choke, honda cb 750, honda cb 750 custom

hi im sry for not enough info on my last email i was talking about a 1981 honda cb 750 custom  i was using my choke an i went to put it down an  it got stuck on my an i cant seem to  move it n e more an since then it seems ive been have trouble switching through gears while driving

Jeff, it's likely the choke cable is rusty or routed wrong increasing the cable resistance.  If it's routing, you'll need to re-route it to take any sharp bends out if it. You can take the LH switch apart and lube the cable with light oil if it's not rust solid. The hard shifting can be caused by a dragging clutch. Try adjusting the clutch.  If the bike shifts okay with the engine off, it would indicate a dragging clutch.  
