Motorcycle Repair: CL175 HONDA RUNNING PROBLEM, genuine honda parts, oversize pistons

Good Day to you,Rich.Thanks in advance for your help.
Re: Honda CL175 K5 1970 poor running on idle /small thottle openings.Starting on one cylinder sometime then going onto two. Starts from cold with no throttle and no choke but stalls till warmed up or unless increase idle speed settings.Only runs properly on full throttle.Does not seem to want the choke at all.
Ashamed to say that I am a qualified car mechanic /technician of the 1970s but I can not make this bike run properly.
New genuine Honda parts fitted as follows by me.
Rebore,1mm  oversize pistons, camshaft,valves,timing chain,tensioners,slides,advance mechanism,points,plugs,coil,condensor,complete new correct caburretors,jets sizes checked and correct,air filters cleaned and free flowing,new genuine exhaust ,no leaks, timing on points and chain checked and double checked.Valve clearances checked,new fuel tank, stopcock ,fuel lines ,tank cleaned out and new petrol/gas 97 octance super unleaded.I have just fitted the new carburettors and made no difference.I reset the float levels and then things seemed better.I ran the engine till hot and fine tuned it .It then ran like a sewing machine better than it had been for years.I left the bike for a week or so then tried to start it.Running worse than ever .starts best with no choke and will idle but cutting out as soon as throttle is opened with or without the choke and missfiring/cutting out at all revs even when hot.
Could I have a faulty starter solonoid or ignition switch?
Throttle slides cut outs facing to air cleaners.Carb gaskets not catching floats.New battery and chargine over thirteen volts when running.Help !!!!!!!

Phil, the bike is running too rich.  It starts without the choke because it's running so rich.  As the engine starts to warm up, it's too rich of a mixture to burn correctly.  You can check my theory easily by turning off the fuel petcock.  The fuel level will drop and the mixture will lean out and the engine will run better until it gets too lean and it will run poorly again.  

The most likely cause of this is the float levels are set too high.  Try setting the floats to the factory spec and see if it doesn't run better.
