Motorcycle Repair: 1972 SL350 float level, rich fuel mixture, pilot jet

Spec for this bike is 25mm (from edge of body to bottom of float when tipped slightly - I know how it's done).  But this results in a rich fuel mixture to the point where it doesn't idle.  After studying it for awhile, I noticed that one of the floats was dented (which will result in a higher fuel level), and the other was an aftermarket plastic float (not clear what this would do).  So, I figured the 25mm spec was not applicable.  Here is my question - What is the targeted ACTUAL fuel level in the carb (e.g., relative to the pilot jet)?  Obviously, the pilot jet needs to be touching fuel.  But how much above the bottom of the jet is desired?  5mm?  10mm?  If I know the targeted level relative to the bottom of the pilot jet, then I can dial it in.  Let me know your thoughts.  Thanks!

You are exactly right Kevin, if we knew what that targeted level was supposed to be. Both of those conditions will tend to raise the float level. The dented float changes the volume of fuel it displaces and raises the level.  The plastic floats will also change the level.  I'd try increasing the float setting by 1-1.5 mm at a time until the bike runs the way it should.  
