Motorcycle Repair: Generator light on, harley sportster, jumper wire

QUESTION: I have a 1984 harley sportster.  The generator light started to flicker, when off and then came on steady.  Thought it was a loose wire.  Checked the wires under the seat.  Put a volt meter on the battery started the bike, and increased rpms.  No increase in voltage, light still on.  Is the another teriminal block some where?  Suggest a next step.

ANSWER: What you need to do is test the generator and regulator. the problem is you are not going to have to equipment for the tests, you need a load reostat.
I would start by re-polarzing the generator and then check to see if you are charging. If not, then you would need to change out the regulaor for a known good one and see if it charges. If it does then the regulator is bad. If not then the generator is bad and either needs rebuilt or replaced
Happy holidays

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QUESTION: OK, define repolorizing.  I did charge the battery just before all this started.  Second location of regulator and generator.  I am assuming the generator is a magneto.  Which side, same as clutch?   Thanks for the help.  You have provided help before that helped me solve my clutch problem      Have a great New Years  Ed

ANSWER: If you have a early 1984 you will have a generator, located on the front of the motor, right in front of the front cylinder. If you have a late 1984 you will have a stator and not a generator. Let me know which one you have

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Generator on front

To polorize the generator you attach a jumper wire to the A post of the generator and momentarily touch the positive side of the battery with the other end of the wire. Start the bike and see if you are charging. If not, then you would have to do what I said before
Happy holidays