Motorcycle Repair: S&S Shorty Sputter, pet cock, gas caps

QUESTION: I know mention Harley but I was hoping you could help with my S&S 113ci motor with S&S Super G carb - The bike runs great for many to a few miles depending on the speed I ride.  The faster I ride (freeway) the quicker it spuuters and eventually dies.  Let sit for a while and will run again but not as long as the previous ride.  Removed the carb and compltely cleaned with new filter - same prob.  Checked petcock and flows fine in both positions. I did notice on my last ride as I was dead on the road there was no fuel in the line right before entering the carb but fuel at the pet cock exit point.  As I toggled the petcock back and forth from RES the ON, slowly fuel was seeping down the line to carb.  It seems as if air is holding up the fuel from flowing to the carb.  I also ran the bike without fuel caps thinking maybe vapor lock - same prob. Thanks

ANSWER: Drain your tank and pull the petcock and see if its plugged with dirt
Good luck and happy riding

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks.  I have already drained the tank and pulled the petcock and all is clean.  I placed new gas but the same situation occurs.  Runs longer at first and shuts down.  restarts and will run but not as long the next time.  this time (the third time) would not even kick over killed the batt.  When it does run it runs without a hitch. Thanks again Mike

ANSWER: Just to look at the other direction, when it stops pull your plug and see if you are getting spark and let me know

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The plug is showing spark after stall.  The clear fuel line is bone dry at the time of stall...slowly trickles until enough fuel to sart and run.  Thanks

Since you have spark and you ran the bike without the gas caps and its not a vent problem, then the only thing it can be is a petcock problem. I would replace the petcock. Also, you said you have a filter. If you are talking about a inline filter, I would remove it. You dont really need it.
Good luck and happy riding