Motorcycle Repair: 1983 Honda VT500C Shadow, honda vt500c, valve clearances

My bike has been great, but it sometimes takes a little while to start when warm. Today, I stopped at a store for about 10 min. and when I tried to start it back up, it wouldn't go. It turned over strongly many times but didn't start. I'm going back later to check it out. I'm thinking it'll probably start, but what could cause this?


ANSWER: The recommended procedure for starting a bike when its warm is to not use choke but to apply a small amount of throttle before pushing the starter.

Cold motors want less air and more fuel to start. Warm or hot motors want more air and less fuel.

If you still have problems after this we can look at various fuel and electrical issues.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello again,

My bike still doesn't want to start when warm. I noticed that the battery seemed to drain too quickly, so I put in a new one. Now I've got better cranking power, but starting warm still a problem. What should I do/check next?



Does the bike have solid lifters or tappets? It may need to have the valve clearances adjusted. I would check that next.

You can also try pulling the spark plugs and checking their color. If the mixture is way off (too rich) its likely the plugs have a black coating on them and are fouled up.