Motorcycle Repair: 1986 KD80, gas torches, oil leaks

I just got this little dirtbike running after it sat for about 6 yrs.It was blowing alot of smoke so i put a new set of rings on it and still blowing smoke.I also noticed that there is alot of oil dripping from exhaust.I also have to add oil after running it for awhile.ANY ADVISE IS HELPFULbecause i am determmend to get this bike running right

Hi Andy...

Ok... the KD80 is a two-stroke engine so a certain amount of smoke (and oil discharge from the pipe) is normal. Have you checked compression? Are there any oil leaks under the crankcase? You may also want to consider having the exhaust pipe de-coked. This process will rid the 20 year build up of carbon and oil from the pipe. Excessive build up in the pipe can cause excessive smoking and overall power loss. The process requires the use of gas torches and causes a mess of smoke while being done, so you may have to make a bunch of phone calls to find a shop that will (and can) do it. Hope this helps ya Andy!!!
