Motorcycle Repair: 1971 CB500 four, cb500 four, cam shaft

QUESTION: How do you set the cam shaft for timing and what order do you adjust valves? The book says notch to the right when the spark advance is on the T-mark for 1/4. Then adjust 1 and 4 intake and exhaust and also number 3 intake. I can't even get a guage under the rocker on number three. Any advise would be a big help

ANSWER: It sounds like you just want the valve setting procedure or are you concerned the cam is out of time?  The valve adjustment is fairly straight forward.  

Watch the intake rocker lever on cylinder 1 as you turn the crank.  When the intake valve opens and closes, continue to rotate the crank until the timing advance unit has the 1-4 T lined up with the indicator window.  You can then adjust the intake and exhaust on cylinder number 1, the exhaust valve on cylinder 2 and the intake on cylinder number 3.  Rotate the crankshaft 360 deg until 1-4 T is lined up again and you can adjust intake and exhaust valves on cylinder 4 and the exhaust on 3 and intake on 2.  


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes I am concerned that the cam is out of time. Can you give me a direction to go in? The book is kinda confusing because the pictures of the lobes does not match when the notch is lined to the case. Any advise is welcomed, and thanks.

You have to take the top cylinder head cover off to make any changes but I think you can check it without having to take the cover off.  Rotate the crank until the number one intake valve opens and closes.  Then align the 1-4 T marks on the advance unit to the mark on the crankcase.   There's a notch on the cam that should be horizontal and align with the surface of the cylinderhead.  Not much else to it.
