Motorcycle Repair: 1984 Honda with mystery ailment. Can you help?, mystery ailment, 1984 honda magna

have a 1984 Honda Magna 700 with 30k miles. It starts up and runs just fine. The problem... after about 30-40 minutes of driving (when the bike gets good and hot) the oil light starts blinking when idling. After a few more minutes, the engine shuts down at idle. The only way to get her moving is to crank up the choke and rev my way home. Runs fine once she cools down and the process is repeated. The engine is very smooth and will run for extended periods on the highway. The problem only occurs when the engine is hot and the engine is IDLING at a STOP.

The temperature gauge doesn't go much past half, still a ways to red.

The following things have been done thus far...

checked oil pump (good pressure)
oil & filter changed
new battery
new rectifier/regulator
new pickup coil
overhauled carbs, replaced one piston diaphragm
radiator flushed, new coolant added, lines checked
new clutch fluid

My neighbor has suggested a new STATOR. Is this a possibility?

You can check the operation of the stator by looking at the voltage while the bike is being rev'ed. Voltage should climb to about 14.5v max and never fall below 12.5v. There are more precise tests for the stator according to the shop manual.

But this sounds like a fuel problem to me.

When the bike gets into the condition are you noticing any black smoke? Are the plugs sooty? A bike which idles poorly as it warms up is usually running overly rich. That may be due to incorrect adjustment of the idle mixture screws.

Other possibilities may be due to carbs being out of balance or valve clearance needing adjustment.