Motorcycle Repair: 1973 cb350, silicone sealer, rich thanks

QUESTION: HI,Rich I have a 350cb 1973 honda.I have rebuilt both my carb.But I can not find gasket for the gas bowl that on the carb.all the kits that I got Have o rings.I need a gasket that shape like a house.Is there any way I can make my own gasket.A new carb is not made any sn # on my machine is cb350e-4130684.What carb came with this motorcycle.
Thanks Bob AZ....

ANSWER: Well, the gasket originally looked like o-rings.  They were glued into the groove and eventually took on the shape you described as a house.  Originally, they started life as large skinny o-rings.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: HI RICH thanks for your info .The rubber bans are not working.what kind of glue can I use to keep the o-ring in place.Thank Bob Z....

I don't know what Honda used originally, but I'd try permatex gasket sealer.  Silicone sealer reacts to fuel and it could cause you trouble with plugging the jets.  You just have to hold them in place long enough to get them installed and the screws tightened.
