Auto Insurance Claims: Car accident, false registration, blood from a stone

My son was involved in an accident where the vehicle he hit was uninsured.  The other driver was cited for no proof of financial responsibility and false and fictituos registration.  My son was injured and had only liability and medical.  The police report said he was at fault but we have questions regarding initial impact.  The report says dead center, but another police officer checked his vehicle and stated that the front drivers side was the initial impact area.  And in his opinion the other driver pulled out in front of my sons and caused him to hit them.  Is there anyway for them to have to pay for my sons injuries?

Hi Tammy,

This is an unfortunate situation. But, even if you could prove that the other driver was 100% at fault, the fact that he had no insurance and a false registration tells me this is no a responsible person. He likely has no money or assets for you to get. As the old saying goes, you can get blood from a stone. This guy sounds like a big stone.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh