Motorcycle Repair: Honda wheels., honda cb100, honda wheels

What pattern are the spokes and hub on say a honda cb100,cl70,sl70 etc..Would it be called 2x2 dimple pattern?A w4 pattern or what.I just can't find this kind of info.

I've re-spoked a lot of wheels as a mechanic and it's not too difficult.  I always started with the inside spokes and the added the outside spokes once all the inside spokes are in place.  Leave the nipples loose so you can move the hub around to get more clearance as you put the outside spokes in. Look closely at the rim and you will see the dimple holes are directional meaning they point in the direction the spoke will come from. You will also see witness marks on the hub to indicate what direction the spoke were originally.  It would take a while to write a step by step procedure but try reading this website.  It details it reasonably well.
