Motorcycle Repair: 1995 Harley XLD 883, key switch, xld

When I turn on the key switch the oil light and neutral light won't come on and won't activate the starter is this the ignition switch causing this problem and if so how do I get the switch out? do I need a pin or anything it is a regular key not barrel key. Thanks

What you need to do is first determine if you have power going away from the key switch. Using a test light, find the hot wire at the key switch and see if there is power there. Turn the ignition on and see if you have power going away from the ignition switch. If you do then follow the wire to find the break in the wire. If you dont then you have a bad switch. Disconnted the battery and on the outside of the switch there is a round piece that screws on. remove it and the switch will slide out if its bracket
Good luck and happy riding