Motorcycle Repair: Smoking Battery Cable when starting, bike mike, battery cable

QUESTION: Thank you for your time.  I have a 2002 Swift Custom with an S&S 113cu.  When trying to start the bike, the motor will barely turn over and the positive battery cable starts smoking and the starter gets red hot.  A new solenoid has been installed, but I am not sure where to go from here...starter...battery...other electrical problems?

Thank you for any help you can lend.

ANSWER: Do you have compression releases on the bike?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No, no compression releases.  I used to have the kind that the spark plugs fit into, but the local shop pulled them out and "lost them"

They should have replaced them. What you are running into is you have to much compression for the starter to turn the motor over. When that happens the cables overheat, because the starter is trying to fight the motor. I suggest that you get some compression releases and you should be fine
Good luck and happy riding