Motorcycle Repair: 2004 vulcan 1500 splitting the crankcase, metal dowels, heavy hammer

I have the engine apart but having trouble splitting the crankcase are there any tricks or will I have to pull my hair out trying, please help.


often the problem is a missed bolt somewhere
in the case. I believe these have about
20 bolts more or less holding the crankcases

The cases have metal dowels that can be tight
or maybe rusted in. Sometimes shops have
a tool that pushes on the end of the crankshaft
to press it out of the case.

The first thing to try is soak the case seams
with penetrating oil or spray.

Take a piece of wood, like a 2x2 and
find a stronger looking part of the case
where you can tap it with the wood and
a heavy hammer.

Give it a few whacks until you see the
case start to separate.

If you work your way back and forth
depending on what looks strong enough
to tap on it should start to come apart.

A tap with the wood and hammer on the end of the crankshaft
might help too as the crank bearings may be holding.

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