Motorcycle Repair: coolant system, honda helix, honda reflex

I have chinese made scooter, which is a replica of the honda reflex.the scooter has a 244cc clone of the honda helix.the bike gets hot after about 10-15 minutes and coolant begins to seep out of resovoir cap.i never see the fan kick on.any suggestions would be helpful. thanks

Leo, this why I try to steer people away from the Chinese stuff.. no parts and service support over here.

First, you have to check the cooling system for air trapped in the system. Then, I would probably change the thermostat and bleed all the air out of the cooling system. Jumper the fan sensor on the radiator to see if the fan works or not. If the fan works, the sensor is bad.

I guess a Honda shop manual might work for you in this case. Try for illustrations.

Bill Silver