Motorcycle Repair: 95 road king, rear pulley, clutch basket

hi how do i change the rear drive belt well i dont need to change it i need to put one on can you tell me a easy way to do it of send some thing to show me thanks very much    ride on

First, you need to lift the bike so you can get the rear wheel off. Once you have the wheel off you need to remove the left shick and the bolt holding the swinging arm. remove the primary cover, clutch basket, motor sprocket, jackshaft and starter. then you remove the inner primary. Slip the belt inbetween the swinging are and around the pulley. Put the rear wheel back on and slip the belt around the rear pulley. Install everything back.
Your best bet is to get a service manual and it will give you the directions on how to do the work with pics.
Good luck and happy riding