Motorcycle Repair: 2001 flstci, full tank, back fire

Ihave idle problems. I have been running a 95 and having idle problems. Changed fuel pump and regulator. The reason i did is runs fine at full tank and back fire and idles reel slow at half tank. When I lean on kick stand idles higher. Its kicking my ass

If it is still running bad at a half a tank you need to get a dianostic run on the bike to see what the problem is. Youc an adjust he idle yourself.
remove the air cleaner cover and air filter. On the backplate to the right you will see a screw. Let the bike warm up all the way and adjust the screw to get the bike ideling where you want it. Shut the bike off and disconnect the battery for 5 minutes. reconnect the battery and it should be set. If you are still having problems you might have a bad idle speed control actuator.
Good luck and happy riding