Motorcycle Repair: Right Turn Signal on CM400C, conductor wire, signal circuit

Hi, and thanks for your help.
I have an 81 Honda CM400C Custom and was wondering if you have any idea what would cause the right turn signal not to flash. The left signal works just fine. When I turn the right signal on, the right front signal goes out, and the right rear signal turns on and stays on.

This started after the bike fell over in the drive way, breaking the right front signal cover and bulb.
I thought replacing the bulb would fix it, but it hasn't.
I've checked my 'official' shop manual and Clymer book, but they didn't have anything about it.
Any ideas that you have would be much appreciated. Thanks for your time.

Hi Trent,

It's difficult to diagnaose problems without being present and inspecting the parts.

I suspect a open short (broken or detached conductor wire) may be the source of the turn signal delima.

Check continuity and/or voltage through each right turn signal circuit conductor and connector and I believe you'll locate the problem.

Have a Blessed Easter holiday,
Mark Shively