Motorcycle Repair: oil change, oil reservoirs, oil tank

Mike, I have a 88 FLST/C and want to change all the oil fluids.  I just bought the bike and am trying to this.  Is Mobil1 synthetic vtwin oil good to use in the engine, tranny, and primary?  Are there 3 different reservoirs to change oil out?  Where are the drain plugs and refill holes?  Are there any other oil reservoirs I should change oil out?

Hi Bonifacio, The Mobile oil is good for the motor. This drain plug should be down on the right side, clipped to the bottom of the frame just before the swing arm (rubber hose with a plug).The filler is on the right side of the oil tank (the motor will take about 3 lt). The trans should run with a 70/90 weight gear oil, and the drain plug is on the right side under the trans cover. the refill is on the same trans cover. This only takes 700-750ml. The primary oil is a different oil too. You should use the chaincase oil or ATF Fluid. The drain plug is on the left side either just under or back of the clutch derby cover. The filler is the derby cover, and this is filled just up to the clutch shell.(1-1.5 lt).You could also change your fork oil ?