Motorcycle Repair: adjustment to throttle cable, throttle cables, throttle cable

I just installed new hand grips, I tightened the throttle cables nuts  back to there original positions but the throttle has play in it, about a inch. It seems to bottom out ok when i let go of the throttle and idles at 1000 rpms but requires turning the throttle about a inch or more before reving up.  how can i get rid of the play in the throttle.

I'm assuming you have a Harley, you didn't say.  First loosen both 3/8"  locknuts.  Take up the play in the idle cable first (the cable on the rear of the switch housing)by turning the threaded sleeve until the cable housing on the carburetor end touches the spring.  Then take up the slack on the throttle cable (the cable on the front of the switch housing) until you have an 1/8" of play.  Then lock the locknuts with a 3/8 wrench.  There should be about 3/8" of threads showing on each of the adjusters if you've done it correctly.  If you still have lots of free play in the cable make sure the carb/injection end hasn't popped out of it's sleeve in the carb/injector body.