Motorcycle Repair: Jetting my Sportster, drag pipes, speed jet

I have a 77 sportster 1000. I just changed my air filter from the stock Oval to
a S&S style teardrop (looks like it will be a bit more restrictive), and put on a
set of short drag pipes as well. Can you suggest what jet sizes I should use in
my stock Keihen carb? Thanks for any help you can give, Todd

Todd I haven't worked on a '77 for years but I would suggest a 165 main jet and a 40 or 42 low speed jet to start.  Make sure you have the rubber plug in the low speed jet hole after you screw in the jet.  And before you put the plug in, trim about an eighth of an inch off the tip of it (if someone else hasn't already done it) cause over time they swell up and block the jet hole.